Visceral Manipulation


Based in Osteopathic medicine, Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy that assesses the structural relationships between the viscera (organs), and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the various internal surroundings. Highly focused techniques are used to assist functional and structural imbalances throughout the body. This may include musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive, eliminatory, neuroendocrine and lymphatic dysfunction.

For background on the founder and development of Visceral Manipulation: The Barral Institute

This following is a list of courses I've completed, including repeated classes:

Palpation and evaluation
LT 1 3x
LT 2 2x

Visceral Manipulation
VM1 2x - stomach, liver, gall bladder, duodenum, colon
VM2 2x - kidneys, pancreas, spleen, greater omentum, peritoneum
VM3 3x - urinary bladder, uterus and ovaries, prostate, rectum
VM4 2x - ribcage, thyroid, trachea, esophagus, lungs and pleura, heart, pericardium, mediastinum
VM5 - manual thermal evaluation, excess energy (often of emotional origin) and how that affects structural integrity

Neural Manipulation
NM1 - Trauma and whiplash, restrictions in the meninges, cervical and lumbosacral regions
NM2 - Nerves of the upper body
NM3 - Nerves of the lower body
NM4 - Brain and cranial nerves

Vascular Manipulation
VVMU 4x - Vascular structures of the upper body
VVML - Vascular structures of the lower body

Advanced Clinical Applications, series of 5 classes:
1.Liver, gall bladder, stomach
2.Duodenum, small instestine, large intestine
3.Kidneys, spleen, pancreas
4.Urinary bladder, uterus and prostate, rectum
5.Thyroid, heart, lungs

Advanced Visceral Components of the Neck and Thorax

Concussion Recovery Clinical Interventions

Dissection of untreated cadaver

Teaching Assistant: VM1, VM2, NM1, NM2

Have questions?

I'd be happy to answer them.